
Title Yearsort ascending
´Post-conflict Libya reconstruction and reconciliation: what role for Europe´s paradiplomatic and parliamentary actors?´ 2013
Multi-level parliamentary diplomacy: what role for the EU´s interregional parliamentary assemblies? 2013
discussant 2013
The EP as an international actor 2013
´The crisis in Syria: What role(s) for the European Union and the European Parliament´ [n Greek] 2013
The contribution of parliamentary diplomacy to Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in the Mediterranean: The European Parliament and Libya 2013
Diplomacia parlamentaria multi-nivel: el papel de las instituciones interparlamentarias interregionales de la Unión Europea 2013
The Europeanization of Spanish Foreign Policy: a critical review 2012
Parliamentary diplomacy and conflict resolution: The European Parliament´s reaction to the 2011 military action in Libya 2012
International Parliamentary Institutions and World Affairs: contextualizing the international role of the European Parliament 2012
Parliamentary diplomacy and international conflict: The European Parliament´s reaction to the 2011 military action in Libya 2012
EUROPEAN NON-STATE (F)ACTORS AND THE ´ARAB SPRING´ - Assessing parliamentary inputs and media coverage(s) during the 2011 international military intervention in the Libyan conflict 2012
Greek-Isreali relations in the UfM: the parliamentary dimension 2011
Europeización de las políticas exteriores de Grecia y España 2011
Coopération euro-méditerranéenne et processus démocratiques 2011
panel on “Which Euro-Mediterranean Policy Should Be Adopted to Improve Governance?” 2011
Panel on “EU relations with authoritarian regimes in the MENA region” 2011
Learning from the EU’s Inter-parliamentary Assemblies: Is there a Transnational Parliamentary Model? 2011
Brasil como potencia global y su impacto sobre el concepto de potencia civil europea 2011
La dimensión parlamentaria de las relaciones UE-ALC: la Asamblea EUROLAT 2011
