
Title Yearsort ascending
Spin dynamics of Dy2 molecules deposited onto micro-SQUID sensors 2015
Structural and biochemical basis of the specificity for reduced flavins of the bifunctional FAD synthetase from the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae 2015
Nanomechanical analysis of the Ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase complex with NADP+ 2015
Gold nanoparticles for Gas Sarin Identification by using MEMS and SERS technologies 2015
Nanoscale constrictions in superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators: attempts to perform circuit QED with small spin ensembles 2015
Las proteínas Fur (ferric uptake regulator) de cianobacterias: potenciales aplicaciones en biotecnología 2015
Free energy characterization of the mechanical dissociation of biological complexes from Force Spectroscopy experiments 2015
Spin dynamics of Dy2 molecules deposited onto micro-SQUID sensors 2015
Spin dynamics of Dy2 molecular qugates deposited onto micro-SQUID sensors 2015
Key residues regulating the reductase activity of the human mitochondrial apoptosis inducing factor 2015
Characterizing the Mechanical Dissociation of Biological Complexes: from Forces to Free Energies 2015
Transferencia de electrones entre proteínas: de la cinética a la molécula única 2014
Standardization of deposition techniques for SnO2 nanoparticles on microhotplates for gas sensing applications 2014
Integration of Molecular Magnets, Biomolecules and Nanoparticles on Devices 2014
Creación de patrones en la nanoescala con nanolitografía de dip-pen 2014
FurA binds to iron boxes sequentially using bending to promote the recruitment of new molecules to modulate the regulation in Anabaena 2014
Structural insights into the role of the coenzyme mediated monomer-dimer transition of the pro-apoptotic Apoptosis Inducing Factor 2014
Microcystin is related with the incorporation of iron 2013
Analysis of rupture force for the Flavodoxin-FNR and Ferrodoxin-FNR complexes via AFM experiments 2013
Atomic Force Microscopy unravels that FurA and FurB interact with iron-boxes-containing promoters through different binding patterns 2013
