
Title Yearsort ascending
Tat-peptide as an efficient molecule to translocate gold nanoparticles and CdS quantum dots into cell nucleus 2007
Cell response against water stable magnetic nanoparticles obtained by thermal decomposition procedure 2007
The Gd2 -yLayZr2O7 solid solution as a new electrolyte for high-temperature SOFCs 2007
Applying TFmodeller to plant transcription factors: structural analysis and prediction of DNA motifs 2007
The effect of alternanting magnetic fields on the viability of protozoan charged with magnetic nanoparticles 2007
Diagnóstico genético preimplantacional en ovino: sexaje de embriones y genotipado del gen de resistencia al Scrapie 2007
Cianación no Catalizada de N,N-Dialquilhidrazonas Alifáticas en Agua 2007
Genome-wide selection of primer pairs amplifying highly informative amplicons for multilocus sequence analyses 2007
Glyconanoparticles as contrast agents for brain tumour targeting by MRI 2007
Magnetic anisotropy of Fe3O4 nanoparticles with diameters around 4 nm 2007
Glyconanoparticles as non viral vectors: a DNA interaction study 2007
Hsp90α as part of the polygenic response to scrapie development in sheep. 2007
Nanopartículas de oro y sus aplicaciones en nanomedicina 2007
Adquisición simultánea de mapas de topografía y de reconocimiento molecular mediante microscopía de fuerzas atómicas 2007
Effect of La substitution in the ionic conductivity of Gd2Zr2O7 2007
Electrical properties of fluorite-type A1.7Mg0.3(Zr1-yTiy)2O7 and A2(Zr1-yTiy)2O7 (A = Gd3+, Dy3+ and Y3+; y = 0 and 0.15) powders prepared by mechanical milling 2007
International Network of Protein Engineering Centres (INPEC) 2007
XII Jornadas de Producción animal 2007
Diagnóstico genético preimplantacional en embriones vitrificados: sexaje de embriones y genotipado del gen de resistencia al scrapie. Resultados preliminares. 2007
¿Un gen de gran efecto para prolificidad en raza Rasa Aragonesa?. 2007
