
Title Yearsort ascending
International Workshop on "Recent Advances of Scanning Probe Microscopies" 2012
Efectos negativos de los lípidos de la dieta en la coloración ventral de Lacerta vivipara 2012
SMC02309, a novel low molecular weight phosphotyrosinephosphatase from Sinorhizobium meliloti 2012
Endometrial apolipoprotein pattern is altered in obese women but not in plasma: implications in endometrial receptivity and embryonic implantation. 2012
Quantum Hybrid circuits 2012
Protein disorder in plants: a view from the chloroplast 2012
Functional analysis of Rex1 during preimplantation development 2012
Understanding the function of YY2 during preimplantation development 2012
Domain wall structures and nucleation magnetic fields in FEBID Co nanowires studied by Lorentz Microscopy 2012
Morphology, magnetic and resonance properties of Fe/MgO multilayers 2012
Use of fluorescence cationic dyes to improve the detection of invasive aspergillosis biomarkers 2012
Surface effects and non-Gilbert relaxation in magnetoferritin studied by electron spin resonance 2012
Preparation, Characterisation and FE-simulation of the reinforcement of polycaprolactone with PEGylated silica nanoparticles 2012
Non-adiabatic effects within a single thermally-averaged potential energy surface: Thermal expansion and reaction rates of small molecules 2012
Instantaneidad y estereoscopía: el viaje fotográfico a través de España de la compañía parisina J. Lévy et cie. a finales del siglo XIX 2012
Dynamic Force Spectroscopy to Analyze Protein-Ligand Interactions: the case of Ferredoxin-NADP+ Reductase Complexes 2012
Degradation of terrestrial organic carbon, primary production and out-gassing of CO2 along the Laptev and East Siberian Seas as inferred from d13C values of DIC 2012
Cross-talk between epithelial and stroma cells: evidence of paracrine effects using a novel human endometrial three-dimensional (3D) culture system. 2012
Strained Ba-doped SrMnO3 Thin Films: Engineering Multiferroic Properties 2012
Contribución de la bomba de eflujo Mmr a la resistencia a fármacos en M. tuberculosis 2012
