
Title Yearsort ascending
Special Issue on “Joint scrutiny of EU policies: the contribution of inter-parliamentary cooperation”, Perspectives on Federalism 2018
“Inter-parliamentary cooperation as a means for reinforcing joint scrutiny in the EU: upgrading existing mechanisms and creating new ones” 2018
Greek parliamentarians and Greek foreign policy (2004-2014) 2018
Parliamentary Diplomacy in European and Global Governance 2017
Mapping the proliferation of parliamentary actors in the Mediterranean: facilitating or hindering cooperation? 2017
Southern Europe – Portugal, Spain, Italy, Malta, Greece, Cyprus 2017
Introduction: The Rise of Parliamentary Diplomacy in International Politics 2017
Conclusions: Parliamentary Diplomacy as a Global Phenomenon 2017
The French Parliament and the conflicts in Libya and Syria 2016
“The Rise of Parliamentary Diplomacy in International Politics” 2016
Mapping the parliamentary field in the Mediterranean: how many actors? 2016
´Parliamentary Diplomacy Uncovered: European and Global Perspectives´ 2016
Parliamentary diplomacy in the Mediterranean 2016
´The European Parliament´s contribution to the R2P debate: lessons from the Libyan and Syrian conflicts´ 2016
´EU national Parliaments and the recognition of Palestine: “Really” breaking new ground or “just” adding further support?´ 2016
“Multi-level Governance in the Mediterranean: What roles for parliamentary assemblies?” 2016
The Impact of the International Economic and Financial Crisis on the De-Europeanization of National Foreign Policies in the Mediterranean 2015
Unpublished summary paper based on a presentation given as an Invited Expert Speaker in the Panel on “SEECP PA and parliamentary diplomacy: Creating and managing relations with international and regional organizations” 2015
Algunas Reflexiones Sobre Responsabilidad De Proteger, Diplomacia Parlamentaria Y La Intervención Militar En Libia En 2011 2015
´Conclusions: international role and impact of the European Parliament´ 2015
