
Title Yearsort ascending
Levelling the playing field for European Union agriculture: Does the Common Agricultural Policy impact homogeneously on farm productivity and efficiency? 2017
Analysis of structural patterns in highly disaggregated bioeconomy sectors by EU Member States using SAM/IO multipliers 2017
Assessing potential coupling factors of European decoupled payments with the Modular Agricultural GeNeral Equilibrium Tool (MAGNET) 2017
Domestic Support in the European Union 2016
AgriCISTrade: Report on the impact of Policy Scenarios 2016
Russian Roulette at the Trade Table: A specific factors CGE analysis of an agri-food import ban 2016
Drivers of the European Bioeconomy in Transition (BioEconomy2030): An Exploratory Model Based Assessment 2016
Is ‘Bio-based’ Activity a Panacea for Sustainable Competitive Growth? 2016
The Costs of EU Club Membership: Agri-Food and Economy-Wide Impacts in Croatia 2015
The EU Budget Battle: Assessing the Trade and Welfare Impacts of CAP Budgetary Reform 2015
Drivers of the European Bioeconomy in Transition (BioEconomy2030): An Exploratory Model Based Assessment 2015
The End of A Romance? A Note on the Quantitative impacts of Brexit 2015
Shifting Armington trade preferences: A re-examination of the Mercosur–EU negotiations 2014
Modelling the Common Agricultural Policy with the Modular Agricultural GeNeral Equilibrium Tool (MAGNET): Effects of the 2014-2020 CAP financial agreement on welfare, trade, factor and product markets 2014
Observing and analysing the Bioeconomy in the EU: Adapting data and tools to new questions and challenges 2014
Structural patterns of the Bioeconomy in the EU member States – a SAM approach 2014
Employing Social Accounting Matrix Multipliers to Profile the Bioeconomy in the EU Member States: Is There a Structural Pattern? 2014
Contribution to the economic impact assessment of policy options to regulate animal cloning for food production with an economic simulation model 2013
The impact of EU export refunds on the African continent: An impact assessment 2013
Capturing zero trade values in gravity equations of trade: An analysis of protectionism in agro-food sectors 2013
