
Title Yearsort ascending
Assessing the impact of GM animal feed restrictions in the UK/EU livestock sectors 2008
The impact of GM feed restrictions on European livestock sectors. 2008
Accession to the European Union: Implications for Turkish Agro-Food Sectors 2008
An Analysis of Mercosur’s Regional Trading Arrangements 2007
An Examination of Morocco’s Trade Options with the EU 2007
Los impactos de la abolición de la PAC en la economía española, europea y mundial: resultados de una simulación con un modelo de equilibrio general aplicado 2007
Reevaluating the Harbinson Proposal - Prospects for the EU25: A Note 2007
A Dynamic CGE Treatment of the Ban on UK Beef Exports: A Note 2005
Territorial Food Product Perceptions in Greece and Spain: A Logit Modelling Approach 2005
Agricultural Trade Liberalisation in the Doha Round: Impacts on Spain 2005
European Enlargement and Single Market Accession: A Mistreated Issue 2005
Product-Country’ Images and Preference Heterogeneity for Mediterranean Food Products: A Discrete Choice Approach 2005
Membership of NAFTA: A Viable Alternative for UK Agro-Food Producers? 2004
Modelling Hierarchical Consumer Preferences: An Application to Global Food markets 2003
Varietal Utility and Patriotic Preference: The Case of European Agriculture 2003
Agenda 2000 reform of the CAP: Impacts on Member States: A Note 2003
Territorial Product Associations in Greece: The Case of Olive Oil 2002
General Equilibrium and the Ban on British Beef Exports 2001
The Economic Cost of the CAP revisited 2001
