
Title Yearsort ascending
Antibiotic resistance genes as landscape anthropization indicators: Using a wild felid as sentinel in Chile. 2020
Babesia vogeli in dogs in Chile. 2020
Effective Field Immobilization of Andean Fox Fox (Lycalopex culpaeus) with Dexmedetomidine and Ketamine and Antagonism with Atipamezole. 2020
Identification of Novel Feline Paramyxoviruses in Guignas (Leopardus guigna) from Chile. 2020
Molecular survey for cyst-forming coccidia (Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, Sarcocystis spp.) in Mediterranean periurban micromammals. 2020
Detection and Characterization of Hemotropic Mycoplasmas in Bats in Chile. 2020
An eight-year survey for canine distemper virus indicates lack of exposure in the endangered Darwin’s fox (Lycalopex fulvipes). 2020
Molecular investigation of zoonotic intracellular bacteria in Chilean bats. 2020
Hemoplasmas are asymptomatically endemic in the endangered Darwin's fox (Lycalopex fulvipes) 2020
Genetic characterization of Carnivore Parvoviruses in Spanish wildlife reveals domestic dog and cat-related sequences. 2020
Hemotropic mycoplasmas in bats captured near human settlements in Nigeria. 2020
Epidemiology and molecular characterization of Carnivore protoparvovirus‐1 infection in the wild felid Leopardus guigna in Chile. 2020
Antimicrobial resistance genes in Andean foxes inhabiting anthropized landscapes in central Chile. 2020
Assessing cross-species transmission of hemoplasmas at the wild-domestic felid interface in Chile using genetic and landscape variables analysis 2019
Assessing the natural circulation of canine vector-borne pathogens in foxes, ticks and fleas in protected areas of Argentine Patagonia with negligible dog participation 2019
Drivers of Bartonella infection in micromammals and their fleas in a Mediterranean peri-urban area. 2017
