
Title Yearsort ascending
Controlling the Crystalline Quality and the Purity of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes Grown by Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition 2013
Essential complicity of perf/granzyme and FAS-L mechanisms to achieve tumor rejection after treatment with anti-CD137 mAb 2013
Solution phase van der Waals epitaxy of ZnO wire arrays 2013
La gestión y valoración de los documentos judiciales en el nuevo contexto tecnológico 2013
Lipid-coated nanocapillaries for DNA sensing 2013
The Janus project: Boosting spin-glass simulations using FPGAs 2013
Light relative efficiency factors for ions in BGO and Al2O3 at 20 mK 2013
Self-assembled quantum dots in a nanowire system for quantum photonics 2013
Experimental validation of in silico target predictions on synergistic protein targets 2013
A New Access to 4H-Quinolizines form 2-Vinylpyridine and Alkynes Promoted by Rhodium-N-Heterocyclic-Carbene Catalysts 2013
Probing the Anharmonicity of the Potential Well for a Magnetic Vortex Core in a Nanodot 2013
Irrigation agriculture affects organic matter decomposition of semi-arid terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems 2013
Simulating long-term effects of policies in the agri-food sector: requirements, challenges and recommendations 2013
In situ transmission electron microscopy observation of keV-ion irradiation of single-walled carbon and boron nitride nanotubes 2013
Ovine HSP90AA1 expression rate is affected by several SNPs at the promoter under both basal and heat stress conditions. 2013
Weak and Strong coupling regimes in plasmonic-QED 2013
Differences between methodological approaches and animal species on the whole liver decellularization process, for tissue engineering. 2013
Synthesis and characterization of a lipidic alpha amino acid: Solubility and interaction with serum albumin and lipid bilayers 2013
Responsibility to Protect: what role for parliamentary diplomacy? 2013
Size and branching effects on the fluorescence of benzylic dendrimers possessing one apigenin fluorophore at the core 2013
