
Title Yearsort ascending
Thermodynamic glass transition in a spin glass without time-reversal symmetry 2012
´Introducción´ 2012
Atomic Structural Studies of Ultralong Carbon Nanotubes 2012
The authors reply. 2012
Spanish health care cuts: penny wise and pound foolish? 2012
Caracterización, conservación y promoción de recursos genéticos de interés agroalimentario: caso practico de la Churra Tensina, raza ovina española en peligro de extinción. En: Avances de Investigación en Producción animal en Iberoamérica. 2012
Towards an absolute determination of the particle energy thermalized in bolometers 2012
3D analysis of the morphology and spatial distribution of nitrogen in nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes by energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy tomogra... 2012
Environmental conditions influence red grouse ornamentation at a population level 2012
[Libro:] Zaragoza en la mirada ajena. Instantáneas del Archivo Roger Viollet, París. J. Lévy et Cie, 1889 2012
Metallacarboranes and their interactions: theoretical insights and their applicability 2012
Measurement of the L/K electron capture ratio of the 207Bi decay to the 1633 keV level of 207Pb with a BGO scintillating bolometer 2012
Cybrids for mitochondrial DNA pharmacogenomics 2012
Background model for a NaI(Tl) detector devoted to dark matter searches 2012
Scale-dependent mechanical properties of native and decellularized liver tissue 2012
Detectada una nueva cepa hemorrágica del conejo. 2012
Emerging Powers” as obstacles to “Effective Multilateralism”: The negative impact of Brazil´s Foreign Policy on the Rhetoric of “Civilian Power Europe”´ 2012
First in-situ TEM Studies of Young Modulus and Elastic Properties of individual and bundled Single-Walled BN nanotubes 2012
Kinetics and thermodynamics of chlorpromazine interaction with lipid bilayers: Effect of charge and cholesterol 2012
Stability and binding of the phosphorylated species of the N-terminal domain of enzyme I and the histidine phosphocarrier protein from the Streptomyces coelicolor phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system 2012
