
Title Yearsort ascending
Influence of the acid contents of ionic Azo-Codendrimers in the Liquid Crystalline properties and the Photoinduced Optical Anisotropy response 2011
Charge transfer in conjugated oligomers encapsulated into carbon nanotubes 2011
El delincuente inverosímil: El fotógrafo Marcelino García y su implicación en el caso de la falsificación de billetes de banco en 1896 2011
Condition- and parasite-dependent expression of a male-like trait in a female bird 2011
Mild and Selective H/D Exchange at the beta-Position of Aromatic alfa-Olefins by N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Hydride-Rhodium Catalysts 2011
Short-range spatial variability of soil physico-chemical variables related to earthworm clustering in a Neotropical gallery forest 2011
Quantitative analysis of the weak anti-localization effect in ultrathin bismuth films 2011
Charge transfer evidence between carbon nanotubes and encapsulated conjugated oligomers 2011
Mechanism of FMN binding to the apoflavodoxin from Helicobacter pylori 2011
Impact of plasmid induction strategy on overall plasmid DNA yield and E. coli physiology using flow cytometry and real-time PCR 2011
The sequestration sink of black carbon in the Northern European Shelf. 2011
OXPHOS toxicogenomics and Parkinson's disease. 2011
Regenerative medicine as applied to solid organ transplantation: current status and future challenges 2011
A Recursive Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model for Agricultural Policy Analysis in Spain (ORANI-DYN): Modifications to the standard ORANI-G model framework 2011
Are mitochondrial haplogroups associated with elite athletic status? A study on a Spanish cohort. 2011
Mitogenomics: Recognizing the Significance of Mitochondrial Genomic Variation for Personalized Medicine. 2011
Influence of the Poly(propylene imine) Generation in the LC Properties of Ionic Codendrimers Bearing Fluorinated and Perhydrogenated Chains 2011
130Te Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay with CUORICINO 2011
Gobernanza Global Multi-Nivel y Multi-Actor – Ejemplos de Europa, el Mediterráneo y América Latina 2011
Structural and Dynamical Patterns on Online Social Networks: the Spanish May 15th Movement as a case study 2011
