
Title Yearsort ascending
Ionic Photoresponsive Azo-Codendrimer with Room Temperature Mesomorphism and High Photoinduced Optical Anisotropy 2010
MAGUKs, scaffolding proteins at cell junctions, are substrates of different proteases during apoptosis 2010
Role of the surface states in the magnetotransport properties of ultrathin bismuth films 2010
Boron-nitride and boron-carbonitride (BCN) NTs: synthesis, characterization and theory 2010
Oxidative Phosphorylation Induces De Novo Expression of the MHC Class I in Tumor Cells through the ERK5 Pathway 2010
Measuring the impacts of the CAP in Spain: A CGE model approach 2010
Production of high purity TeO2 single crystals for the study of neutrinoless double beta decay 2010
Does egg colouration reflect male condition in birds? 2010
On the Origin of the Cation Templated Self-Assembly of Uranyl-Peroxide Nanoclusters 2010
The use of DRAQ5 to monitor intracellular DNA in escherichia coli by flow cytometry 2010
Energetics of nucleotide-induced DnaK conformational states 2010
Detection of fast neutrons with LiF and Al2O3 scintillating bolometers 2010
Dendrimers as potential inhibitors of the dimerization of the capsid protein of HIV-1 2010
Philic and Phobic Segregation in Liquid-Crystal Ionic Dendrimers: An Enthalpy–Entropy Competition 2010
Trends in the Adsorption of 3d Transition Metal Atoms onto Graphene and Nanotube Surfaces: A DFT Study and Molecular Orbital Analysis 2010
Testing the interactive effects of testosterone and parasites on carotenoid-based ornamentation in a wild bird 2010
Eureca 2010
EU import restrictions on genetically modified feeds: Impacts on Spanish, EU and global livestock sectors 2010
Resonance frequency dependence on out-of-plane forces for square silicon membranes: applications to a MEMS gradiometer 2010
Nitrogen‐doped SWCNT synthesis using ammonia and carbon monoxide 2010
