
Title Yearsort ascending
Health Care Quality Indicators project 2006 data collection update report 2007
Population genetics and the conservation status of the threatened Iberian steppe grass Puccinellia pungens (Pau) Paunero (Poaceae). 2007
A Rapid Method to Obtain Nanometric Particles of Rhabdophane LaPO4.nH2O by Mechanical Milling 2007
The uncoupling of secondary growth, cone and litter production by intradecadal climatic variability in a Mediterranean Scots Pine Forest 2007
Elevated male European and female African contributions to the genomes of African American individuals. 2007
Burning Phylogenies: Fire, Molecular Evolutionary Rates and Diversification. 2007
3D Kinematics of High-z Galaxies as Seen Through the Gravitational Telescope 2007
Structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chitinase 1 and screening-based discovery of potent inhibitors. 2007
Physiological performance of silver-fir (Abies alba Mill.) populations under contrasting climates near the south-western distribution limit of the species 2007
Non-invasive genetic imaging for molecular and cell therapies of cancer. 2007
The Cosmic Horseshoe: Discovery of an Einstein Ring around a Giant Luminous Red Galaxy 2007
Historical and biological determinants of genetic diversity in the highly endemic triploid sea lavender Limonium dufourii (Plumbaginaceae). 2007
Incorporation of N-heterocyclic cations into proteins with a highly directed chemical modification 2007
Restricted geometry conditions promoted by gold cluster nanoparticles capped with tiopronin on electron transfer processes: a study of the strength and character of non-covalent gold-cluster/charged ligand interactions 2007
Uterine receptivity and the ramifications of ovarian stimulation on endometrial function. 2007
Embryonic adhesion is not affected by endometrial leptin receptor gene silencing. 2007
An enhanced MITOMAP with a global mtDNA mutational phylogeny. 2007
Identification, characterization and co-localization of label-retaining cell population in mouse endometrium with typical undifferentiated markers. 2007
Wide genomic analysis of human endometrial receptivity. New times, new opportunities. 2007
Jumping Mode AFM imaging of biomolecules in the repulsive electrical double layer 2007
