
Title Yearsort ascending
Perforin and Granzyme B Expressed by Murine Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells: A Study on Their Role in Outgrowth of Cancer Cells 2019
Detection of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus GI.2/RHDV2/B in the Mediterranean Pine Vole (Microtus duodecimcostatus) and White- Toothed Shrew (Crocidura russula). 2019
Daily temperature extremes over Egypt: spatial patterns, temporal trends, and driving forces 2019
Endocranial anatomy of the allodaposuchid Agaresuchus fontisensis (Crocodyliformes, Eusuchia) from the Late Cretaceous of Spain 2019
A synergy between the biophysical and the economic: Assessing the global market impacts of soil erosion 2019
Use of open data to improve automobile insurance premium rating 2019
Double-beta decay of 130Te to the first 0+ excited state of 130Xe with CUORE-0 2019
High spatial resolution climatology of drought events for Spain: 1961-2014 2019
Identification of the co-existence of low total organic carbon contents and low pH values in agricultural soil in north-central Europe using hot spot analysis based on GEMAS project data 2019
Negligible-Pb-Waste and Upscalable Perovskite Deposition Technology for High-Operational-Stability Perovskite Solar Modules 2019
Melitz Meets Milk: The Impact of Quota Abolition on EU Dairy Export Competitiveness 2019
Social personality in sheep: Can social strategies predict individual differences in cognitive abilities, morphology features, and reproductive success? 2019
´The Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Rotating Presidency: bringing back national concerns through the “backdoor”?´ 2019
Parasite-mediated selection in red grouse -consequences for population dynamics and mate choice 2019
Mechanism of the allosteric activation of the ClpP protease machinery by substrates and active-site inhibitors 2019
New Hispanomeryx (Mammalia, Ruminantia, Moschidae) from Spain and a reassessment of the systematics and paleobiology of the genus Hispanomeryx Morales, Moyà-Solà and Soria, 1981 2019
Lluvia de metales pesados sobre los Lagos de Covadonga 2019
Production and processing of graphene and related materials 2019
Light-matter interaction in the nonperturbative regime: a lecture 2019
The Global Economic Costs of Substituting Dietary Protein from Fish with Meat, Grains and Legumes, and Dairy 2019
