
Title Yearsort ascending
The projected background for the CUORE experiment 2017
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Exhibits Lineage-Specific Variations Affecting Protein Ductility and Epitope Recognition 2017
Direct examination of the relevance for folding, binding and electron transfer of a conserved protein folding intermediate 2017
Weakly Trapped, Charged, and Free Excitons in Single-Layer MoS2 in the Presence of Defects, Strain, and Charged Impurities 2017
De- and recellularization of the pig uterus: a bioengineering pilot study 2017
Land Supply Elasticities, Overview of available estimates and recommended values for MAGNET 2017
Polymer functionalized gold nanoparticles as non-viral gene delivery reagents. Journal of Gene Medicine. 2017
Nanostructures based on amino-terminated amphiphilic janus dendrimers as camptothecin carriers with antiviral activity 2017
New application of superconductors: high sensitivity cryogenic light detectors 2017
Photoacoustic molecular rulers based on DNA nanostructures 2017
First Progonomys from the Late Miocene of the Arabian plate 2017
Mineral controls on soil organic C stabilization in alpine and subalpine soils in the Central Pyrenees: insights from wet oxidation methods, mineral dissolution treatment and radiocarbon dating 2017
Thermodynamics of cooperative binding of FAD to human NQO1: Implications to understanding cofactor-dependent function and stability of the flavoproteome 2017
Systematic Study of Oxygen Vacancy Tunable Transport Properties of Few‐Layer MoO3− x Enabled by Vapor‐Based Synthesis 2017
Nutrigenómica aplicada a la calidad del ternasco de aragón. 2017
Tridactyl dinosaur trackways in the Lower Jurassic upper Elliot Formation near Lephoto village (Roma, Maseru District, Lesotho) 2017
Oxygen transport properties of tubular Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95-La0.6Sr0.4FeO3−d composite asymmetric oxygen permeation membranes supported on magnesium oxide 2017
Milk yield and genome-wide expression profiling in mammary gland of beef primiparous cows in response to the dietary management during the pre- and post-weaning periods 2017
In-situ preparation of ultra-small Pt nanoparticles within rod-shaped mesoporous silica particles: 3-D tomography and catalytic oxidation of n-hexane 2017
The CUORE cryostat and its bolometric detector 2017
