The photographic cabinet of Mariano Júdez y Ortiz (1856-1874) and the versatility of the stereoscopic camera

HERNÁNDEZ LATAS, José Antonio: "The photographic cabinet of Mariano Júdez y Ortiz (1856-1874) and the versatility of the stereoscopic camera", International Journal Stereo & Immersive Media, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Universidade Lusofona, Lisbon, December 2018, Published 2019/06/18.

The cabinet of Mariano Júdez y Ortiz (1856-1874), in Saragossa, was one of the most important photographic studios in Spain at the time. His production was not limited, as in most contemporary cabinets, to exploit the profitable fashion of the portrait in «carte de visite» format, but also he ventured with his heavy photographic equipment and his portable laboratory out of comfort and security of his cabinet to take urban series of views of Saragossa city (ca. 1860) and the natural landscape (waterfalls and gardens) of the disentailed Monasterio de Piedra (1866-1871), also in the same province.
The analysis of the works made from his stereoscopic camera will serve to disprove an affirmation, already converted into common place among historians of photography, about the presence in most of these first cabinets of multi-objective cameras (4, 6, 8 lenses, etc.), as those used by Disdéri, for the realization of series of portraits in CDV format. As the works of Júdez demonstrate, one of the great virtues of the stereoscopic camera was its versatility. Through its use, it was possible not only to perform stereoscopic views, but it was also used to make two consecutive shots of portraits in CDV format, on the same plate.