La geomática como estrategia multiescala para la investigación y gestión del patrimonio arqueológico: el Forau de la Tuta (Artieda, Zaragoza)

Angás, J., Uribe, P., Íñiguez, L., Asensio, J.A., Navarro, M., Ariño, E., Magallón, M.ª. Á. Lanzas, O., Concha, C., Muñiz, O y Mañas. I. (2024): “La geomática como estrategia multiescala para la investigación y gestión del patrimonio arqueológico: el Forau de la Tuta (Artieda, Zaragoza). En J. I. Lorenzo y J. M.ª Rodanés (eds.): Actas del V Congreso de Arqueología y Patrimonio Aragonés (Zaragoza, 23 y 24 de noviembre de 2023), Colegio Oficial de Doctores y Licenciados en Filosofía y Letras y en Ciencias, Grupo de Investigación P3a, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza,189-200

This paper presents the preliminary results of a methodology for the classification and interpretation of geospatial data ac-quired at a discovered urban Roman site from the imperial period in 2021. The site is located in the pre-Pyrenean mountain range near the small town of Artieda (Zaragoza), known as El Forau de la Tuta. The systematic multiscale and multitemporal recording developed over three archaeological campaigns (2021-2023) has enabled comprehensive management of the site and its surroundings, despite the fact that each excavated area is reburied annually for safety and conservation reasons. For this purpose, the entirety of the archaeological site and excavation area has been documented, analyzed and interpreted using geospatial data from various sources, including aerial photolibraries, photogrammetric data from visible and multispec-tral sensors, as well as terrestrial LiDAR sensors.