
Title Yearsort ascending
The intervening domain from MeCP2 enhances the DNA affinity of the methyl binding domain and provides an independent DNA interaction site 2017
Cumulative Economic Assessment of Future Trade Agreements on EU Agriculture 2017
The effect of PEGylated Hollow Gold Nanoparticles on Stem Cell Migration. Potential Application in Tissue Regeneration 2017
Aspectos jurídicos de la custodia de documentos electrónicos 2017
Edad y prolificidad al primer parto de corderas Rasa Aragonesa portadoras o no del alelo FecXR. 2017
Processing of porous ceramic structures for efficient mass transport 2017
Sistemas de archivos judiciales autonómicos: gestión y valoración de documentos judiciales en el entorno electrónico 2017
Granzyme A contributes to pathogenesis of polymicrobial experimental sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture. 2017
Kinetics and thermodynamics in ligand binding as FMN production determinants in bifunctional FAD synthetases 2017
Innovative drug discovery and development strategies for antibacterial therapy: a focus on neglected diseases  2017
Estudio del efecto del control biológico del topillo campesino (Microtus arvalis) en la circulación de patógenos zoonósicos: Coxiella burnetii como modelo. 2017
Fossil evidence and tracing key innovations - an example from the evolution of ruminant mammals 2017
Ichnological evidence for the first megatheropod from the Lower Jurassic upper Elliot Formation in Lesotho 2017
Comportamiento de las audiencias en redes sociales: Análisis de Facebook y Twitter para el caso de las televisiones autonómicas 2017
Applying DNA nanotechnology to Photoacoustics Biomaging 2017
3D structure prediction and AFM morphology study of human FAD synthase (isoform 2) 2017
Innovaciones en el programa de selección de Rasa aragonesa de UPRA-Grupo Pastores. 2017
Cyclodextrin nanosponges containing coriander essential oil as a new antimicrobial for active packaging 2017
Study of the interaction between human apoptosis inducing factor (hAIF) and its nuclear partners 2017
Human SET/TAF-Iβ and plant NRP1 are similarly inhibited by cytochrome c in the cell nucleus 2017
