
Title Yearsort ascending
The IPCs: What impact on the concept of civilian power Europe? 2017
Detección mediante PCR-dúplex a tiempo real y aislamiento de virus RHDV2/b durante un brote de enteropatía mucoide 2017
Niveles del plaguicida disruptor endocrino “lindano” en ganado ovino de una zona posiblemente contaminada. 2017
The use of natural compounds for antimicrobial food packaging 2017
Physical picture for mechanical dissociation of biological complexes 2017
Screening of FDA-approved drugs library identifies potential inhibitors against Helicobacter pylori ArsR essential regulator 2017
Structural basis of mitochondrial dysfunction in response to cytochrome c phosphorylation 2017
Liver Decellularization-Recellularization as a Tool 2017
Diseño de Protocolos de Testeo Acelerados para un Electrolizador Alcalino 2017
First Progonomys from the Late Miocene of the Arabian plate 2017
Multi-criteria methods for prioritizing wetland restoration and creation sites based on ecological, biophysical and socio-economic factors 2017
Molecular basis of the interaction of the human Apoptosis Inducing Factor with its nuclear partners 2017
Enzymes in Radiochemistry; An efficient solution for the point of care synthesis of 13N-radiotracers 2017
“The “Russian factor” in the European Parliament´s stances on international conflicts: the cases of Syria and Ukraine 2017
Protein Mechanisms Analyzed by Atomic Force Microscopy 2017
Association of human endogenous retrovirus type W with multiple sclerosis. 2017
Brain and labyrinth anatomy of the Gondwanan Jurassic sauropod Dicraeosaurus 2017
Blocking NUPR1 protein, a successful approach for pancreatic adenocarcinoma treatment 2017
Non-linked SNPs in promoter and exon 2 of MTNR1A gene are associated to reproductive seasonality in Rasa aragonesa sheep breed. 2017
ntroducción y expectativa demostrada a la inmunoterapia 2017
