
Title Yearsort ascending
Kinetics and thermodynamics of CPZ interaction with lipid bilayers: Effect of charge and cholesterol 2015
Circuit QED photonics 2015
Dynamic interplay between catalytic and lectin domains of GalNAc-transferases modulates protein O-glycosylation. 2015
Spin-to-charge current conversion in Pt, Au and Bi 2015
Effect of laser-assisted embryo biopsy and developmental stage on embryo survival at term in sheep. 2015
Strain and cation stoichiometry in epitaxial BaTiO3 thin films grown on silicon (Oral) 2015
Soil fauna: key to soil organic matter dynamics and modelling 2015
Repositioning SOM0226 as a potent inhibitor of transthyretin amyloidogenesis and its associated cellular toxicity 2015
Classical and Quantum simulations of coupled fields 2015
EU Agricultural domestic support in GTAP: A proposal for an alternative approach 2015
R2P in Libya and Syria: what role for the European Parliament, the French Parliament, and the British Parliament? 2015
Dirección del Congreso Internacional: I Jornadas sobre Investigación en Historia de la Fotografía. 1839-1939: Un siglo de fotografía, IFC (CSIC) y Universidad de Zaragoza, 28-30 de octubre de 2015. 2015
Packaging absorbent pads coated with pinosylvin inclusion complexes with cyclodextrins for Campylobacter jejuni control 2015
Nanomechanical analysis of the Ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase complex with NADP+ 2015
Separation, determination and composition profile of lipids in biodiesel using hyphenation of gradient-HPTLC with fluorescence detection by intensity changes and mass spectrometry 2015
Las proteínas Fur (ferric uptake regulator) de cianobacterias: potenciales aplicaciones en biotecnología 2015
Spatial patterns of soil ecosystem engineers’ functional domains determine ecosystem function 2015
Composition and morphology of Fe-Si interfaces and (Fe/Si)3 multilayer nanostructures 2015
Controlled ultrafast manipulation of electronic spin and charge in quantum dots 2015
Identification of compounds that inhibit NUPR1 protein, a key therapeutic target in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) 2015
