
Title Yearsort ascending
Nucleic acid-based engineering of iron oxide nanoparticles for magnetic hyperthermia applications 2014
Probing magnetism of thin film oxides with advanced electron microscopy 2014
Electrical detection of internal dynamical properties of domain walls 2014
Online hyphenation of HPTLC-Fluorescence Detection by Intensity Changes (FDIC)-Mass Spectrometry for sphingolipid analysis 2014
Clasificación de pacientes con cáncer gástrico mediante el análisis de termogramas calorimétricos de muestras de suero sanguíneo: Un análisis preliminar 2014
In-depth characterization of the challenging microstructure YBa2Cu3O7-d nanocomposites: the origin, evolution and interaction of structural defects 2014
Contribuciones de la web semántica a la transparencia en la contratación pública: la ontología PPROC 2014
Ultrastrong photonics 2014
invited participant 2014
Molecular mechanism of GalNAc-T2 2014
Soil macroinvertebrate communities as indicators of soil ecosystem services. A meta analysis of the MACROFAUNA data base 2014
MJ García-Pereira, CP Cantalapiedra, AM Casas, E Igartua, B Contreras‐Moreira (2014) Análisis de secuenciación de ARN en dos genotipos de cebada con comportamiento diferencial en sequía 2014
Janus II: the new generation Special Purpose Computer for spin-system simulations 2014
Monitorization, separation and quantification of antifungals used for Invasive Aspergillosis treatment by High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography. 2014
Assessment of ecological functions through wetlands creation in a semi-arid Mediterranean catchment under intensive irrigated agriculture 2014
Creación de patrones en la nanoescala con nanolitografía de dip-pen 2014
Exploring Oxides at Atomic Scale 2014
Chromatographic profiling of heavy petroleum products by AMD-densitometry. Repeatability, factors influencing separation and some examples of application 2014
A “floating boat bridge” of cytochrome c molecules in plant respirasome 2014
Transferencia de electrones entre proteínas: de la cinética a la molécula única 2014
