
Title Yearsort ascending
Integrating bioinformatic resources to predict transcription factors interacting with cis-sequences conserved in co-regulated genes 2014
Influence of the temperature and the genotype of the hsp90aa1 gene over sperm chromatin stability in manchega rams 2014
Janus II: A new generation application-driven computer for spin-system simulations 2014
Iron silicide formation at different layers of (Fe/Si)(3) multilayered structures determined by conversion electron Mossbauer spectroscopy 2014
K+ -channel inhibition reduces portal perfusion pressure in fibrotic rats and fibrosis associated characteristics of hepatic stellate cells. 2014
Coupled vibrations in index-identified carbon nanotubes 2014
Exploring the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay in the Inverted Neutrino Hierarchy with Bolometric Detectors 2014
Direct Monolithic Integration of Vertical Single Crystalline Octahedral Molecular Sieve Nanowires on Silicon 2014
10 años de la Sociedad de la Información en Aragón 2004-2014 2014
Diagnóstico genético de enfermedades metabólicos producidas por alteración del ADN mitocondrial 2014
Au deposited on CeO 2 prepared by a nanocasting route: A high activity catalyst for CO oxidation 2014
Atlas of Variations in Medical Practice in Spain: The Spanish National Health Service under scrutiny 2014
Geographical and temporal body size variation in a reptile: roles of sex, ecology, phylogeny and ecology structured in phylogeny 2014
Resveratrol against Arcobacter butzleri and Arcobacter cryaerophilus: Activity and effect on cellular functions 2014
Self-Assembly Modulation in Ionic PAMAM Derivatives 2014
Preserved regulation of renal perfusion pressure by small and intermediate conductance KCa channels in hypertensive mice with or without renal failure. 2014
Structural and functional analysis of novel human cytochrome c targets in apoptosis 2014
First CUORE-0 Performance Results and Status of CUORE Experiment 2014
Germanium coating boosts lithium uptake in Si nanotube battery anodes 2014
The New Strains Brucella inopinata BO1 and Brucella spp. 83-210 Behave Biologically Like Classical Infectious Brucella spp. and Cause Death in Murine Models of Infection 2014
