
Title Yearsort ascending
Nitrogen segregation in nanocarbons 2014
Bim is a crucial regulator of apoptosis induced by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 2014
Cytochrome c1 exhibits two binding sites for cytochrome c in plants 2014
Characterization and physical origin of energetic particles on Planck HFI instrument 2014
Plasmonic versus catalytic effect of gold nanoparticles on mesoporous TiO2 electrodes for water splitting 2014
Robust Identification of Orthologues and Paralogues for Microbial Pan-Genomics Using GET_HOMOLOGUES: A Case Study of pIncA/C Plasmids 2014
Observing and analysing the Bioeconomy in the EU: Adapting data and tools to new questions and challenges 2014
Strategies to improve the solubility and stability of stilbene antioxidants: A comparative study between cyclodextrins and bile acids 2014
Combined structural snapshots and metadynamics reveal a substrate-guided front-face reaction for polypeptide GalNAc-transferase T2 . 2014
Mass burden and estimated flux of heavy metals in Pakistan coast: sedimentary pollution and eco-toxicological concerns 2014
Atomic Scale Strain Relaxation in Axial Semiconductor III-V Nanowire Heterostructures 2014
Nanometric constrictions in superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators 2014
Psammodromus edwardsianus (Dugès, 1829) 2014
Heteroepitaxial ZnO films on diamond: optoelectronic properties and the role of interface polarity. 2014
Dynamical Transition in the D =3 Edwards-Anderson spin glass in an external magnetic field 2014
Photochemical synthesis of bimetallic and anisotropic Au-containing nanoparticles using a one-step protocol 2014
Could the new rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus variant (RHDVb) be fully replacing classical RHD strains in the Iberian Peninsula? 2014
HvFT1 polymorphism and effect – survey of barley germplasm and expression analysis 2014
Choline kinase active site provides features for designing versatile inhibitors. 2014
OXPHOS, pyrimidine nucleotides and Alzheimer disease: A pharmacogenomics approach. 2014
