
Title Yearsort ascending
Synergistic reinforcement of nanoclay and mesoporous silicate fillers in polycaprolactone:The effect of nanoclay on the compatibility of the components. 2012
Activation of Pleistocene carbon by erosion of coastal permafrost in Arctic Siberia 2012
Lagartija occidental ibérica - Psammodromus occidentalis. 2012
Strong Paramagnetism of Gold Nanoparticles Deposited on a Sulfolobus acidocaldarius S Layer 2012
New C∧N∧C Bis-Cyclometalated Platinum(II) Complexes: Synthesis, Structures, and Photophysical Properties 2012
Optimally Harnessing Inter-day and Intra-day Information for Daily Value-at-Risk Prediction 2012
Modelado comparativo de proteínas 2012
The Vibrio cholerae Colonization Factor GbpA Possesses a Modular Structure that Governs Binding to Different Host Surfaces. 2012
Characterisation of the Melatonin Receptor 1A (MTNR1A) gene in the Rasa Aragonesa sheep breed: Association with reproductive seasonality. 2012
Variabilidad en las Hospitalizaciones Potencialmente Evitables en el Sistema Nacional de Salud según sexo. Patrones comunes y discrepantes. 2012
The Role of Parliamentary Bodies, sub-state Regions, and Cities in the Democratization of the Southern Mediterranean Rim 2012
The forage type (grazing vs hay pasture) fed to ewes and the lamb gender affect fatty acid profile and lipogenic gene expression in LM of suckling lambs 2012
On the structure of bimetallic noble metal nanoparticles as revealed by aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) 2012
Differentiation of charcoal, soot and diagenetic black carbon in soil: method comparison and perspectives 2012
Spanish Sand Racer – Psammodromus hispanicus 2012
Synthesis and characterization of ultra-small NiCo/Graphite and FeNi/Graphite superparamagnetic nanoparticles 2012
The Greek Lorca: Translation, Homage, Image 2012
Gene and protein expression signature of endometrial glandular and stromal compartments during the window of implantation 2012
Ultrathin MgO Coating of Superparamagnetic Magnetite Nanoparticles by Combined Coprecipitation and Sol−Gel Synthesis 2012
Dietary lipids reduce the expression of carotenoid-based coloration in Lacerta vivipara 2012
