
Title Yearsort ascending
Nanomechanics of ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase complexes analyzed by AFM single-molecule force spectroscopy 2012
Contribution of efflux activity to isoniazid resistance in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. 2012
Western Sand Racer - Psammodromus occidentalis 2012
Hormonal and molecular characterization of follicular fluid, cumulus cells and oocytes from pre-ovulatory follicles in stimulated and unstimulated cycles 2012
Structural and Mechanistic Basis of the Interaction between a Pharmacological Chaperone and Human Phenylalanine Hydroxylase. 2012
Polarity assignment in ZnTe, GaAs, ZnO and GaN-AlN nanowires from direct dumbbell analysis 2012
A novel model of human implantation: establishment and characterization of an endometrium-like three-dimensional cultura system to study attachment of trophoblast-like Jar spheroids in vitro 2012
“Desde el andén del llanto: Ildefonso Manuel Gil y Federico García Lorca” 2012
Of Poets and Myths: The Reception of Federico García Lorca in Greece 2012
Lagartija cencicienta - Psammodromus hispanicus 2012
Inhibitors of mycobacterial efflux pumps as potential boosters for anti-tubercular drugs. 2012
Asymmetric Organocatalysis in Total Synthesis 2012
Santiago Ramón y Cajal. Viajes, fotografía y memoria. III Taller de guión y producción del Documental Científico 2012
High temperature finite-size effects in the magnetic properties of Ni nanowires 2012
Effects of the FecX R allele of BMP15 gene on the birth weight, growth rate and carcass quality of Rasa Aragonesa light lambs 2012
Are we really attending an imminent Global Change? 2012
Interface similarity improves comparison of DNA-binding proteins: the Homeobox example 2012
Self-assembled GaN quantum wires on GaN-AlN nanowire templates 2012
Optoelectronic properties of InAlN/GaN distributed bragg reflector heterostructure examined by valence electron energy loss spectroscopy 2012
Evaluación de la variabilidad geográfica de la práctica médica como herramienta de evaluación de políticas sanitarias 2012
