
Title Yearsort ascending
Metaplex networks: influence of the endo-exo structure of complex systems on diffusion 2020
Southeastern Rear Edge Populations of Quercus suber L. Showed Two Alternative Strategies to Cope with Water Stress 2020
SoilTemp: call for data for a global database of near-surface temperature 2020
The lack of neuropeptide y-y 1 receptor signaling modulates the chemical and mechanical properties of bone matrix 2020
The Master Oiler 2020
Surface water quality assessment in a semiarid Mediterranean region (Medjerda, northern Tunisia) using Partial Triadic Analysis 2020
Geoethical syllabus and educational resources for Higher Education 2020
Granzyme A-producing T helper cells are critical for acute graft-versus-host disease. 2020
Linking tree-ring growth and satellite-derived gross primary growth in multiple forest biomes. Temporal-scale matters 2020
From concepts to comparisons: A resource for diagnosis and measurement in social-ecological systems 2020
2-oxoglutarate modulates the affinity of FurA for the ntcA promoter in Anabaena sp. PCC7120 2020
Screening and characterization of a diverse panel of metagenomic imine reductases for biocatalytic reductive amination 2020
Approaching isotropic transfer integrals in crystalline organic semiconductors 2020
TiO2 Surface Hybridisation with Noble Metals (Ag and CuxO) for Solar De-NOx and VOC Removal 2020
Design and Construction of a New Detector to Measure Ultra-Low Radioactive-Isotope Contamination of Argon 2020
Inheritance and QTL analysis of chilling and heat requirements for flowering in an interspecific almond x peach (Texas x Earlygold) F2 population 2020
Covalently functionalized MoS2 with dithiolenes 2020
Recalling the Biological Significance of Immune Checkpoints on NK Cells: A Chance to Overcome LAG3, PD1, and CTLA4 Inhibitory Pathways by Adoptive NK Cell Transfer? 2020
Antibiotic resistance genes as landscape anthropization indicators: Using a wild felid as sentinel in Chile. 2020
Coating and Stabilization of Liposomes by Clathrin-Inspired DNA Self-Assembly 2020
