
Title Yearsort ascending
Automatic Quantification of Cardiomyocyte Dimensions and Connexin 43 Lateralization in Fluorescence Images 2020
Encapsulation Systems for Antimicrobial Food Packaging Components: An Update 2020
Hidden for one hundred years: a diverse theropod ichnoassemblage and cross-sectional tracks from the historic Early Jurassic Tsikoane ichnosite (Clarens Formation, northern Lesotho, southern Africa) 2020
Asymmetric synthesis of primary amines catalyzed by thermotolerant fungal reductive aminases 2020
Biogás RIS3A: un proyecto para revalorizar el biogás procedente de residuos sólidos urbanos y agroindustriales. 2020
Sunspot Observations by Barnaba Oriani (1778 – 1779) 2020
Antimicrobial resistance genes in Andean foxes inhabiting anthropized landscapes in central Chile. 2020
Enhanced molecular spin-photon coupling at superconducting nanoconstrictions 2020
Co-immobilization and Colocalization of Multi-Enzyme Systems for the Cell-Free Biosynthesis of Aminoalcohols 2020
Sulfur-Doped Carbon Nanohorn Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for Water Splitting 2020
Hydrogeochemical, isotopic and geophysical characterization of saline lake systems in semiarid regions: The Salada de Chiprana Lake, Northeastern Spain 2020
Molecular basis for fibroblast growth factor 23 O-glycosylation by GalNAc-T3 2020
Minimally invasive system to reliably characterize ventricular electrophysiology from living donors. 2020
Conclusions and outlook 2020
A new allele in the BMP15 gene (FecXRA) that affects prolificacy co-segregates with FecXR and FecXGR in Rasa aragonesa sheep. 2020
Impact of Pre-Existing Immunity on Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine-Induced Cross-Protective Immunity 2020
Lung metastases share common immune features regardless of primary tumor origin. 2020
Growth Differentiation Factor 15 is a potential biomarker of therapeutic response for TK2 deficient myopathy. 2020
Effects of climate change and management policies on marine fisheries productivity in the north-east coast of India 2020
Spatial arrangement of LD motif-interacting residues on focal adhesion targeting domain of focal adhesion kinase determine domain-motif interaction affinity and specificity 2020
