
Title Yearsort ascending
Novel characterization techniques for Cultural Heritage using a TEM orientation imaging in combination with 3D precession diffraction tomography: A case study of green and white ancient Roman glass tesserae 2018
An active DNA-based nanoprobe for photoacoustic pH imaging 2018
Search for neutrinoless β+ EC decay of 120Te with CUORE-0 2018
Gamma-aminobutyric acid levels in cerebrospinal fluid in neuropaediatric disorders. 2018
DNA mismatch repair proteins MLH1 and PMS2 can be imported to the nucleus by a classical nuclear import pathway 2018
An exceptional perinate Enantiornithes from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain and its implications for ossication pattern in early birds. 2018
Bioorthogonal catalytic activation of Pt and Ru anticancer complexes by FAD and flavoproteins 2018
An alternative homodimerization interface of MnmG reveals a conformational dynamics that is essential for its tRNA 2018
Terrestrial colonization of the Balearic Islands: new evidence for the Mediterranean sea-evel drawdown during the Messinian Salinity Crisis 2018
CGE Models in Environmental Policy Analysis: A Review and Spanish Case Study 2018
Resource and niche differentiation mechanisms by sympatric Early Pleistocene ungulates: the case study of Coste San Giacomo 2018
Effect of Surface Chemistry and Associated Protein Corona on the Long-Term Biodegradation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles In Vivo 2018
Identification of a new allele of the Dw gene causing brachytic dwarfing in peach 2018
The photographic cabinet of Mariano Júdez y Ortiz (1856-1874) and the versatility of the stereoscopic camera 2018
Development and Analysis of Soil Water Infiltration Global Database 2018
Development and properties of high thermal conductivity molybdenum carbide - graphite composites 2018
Biophysical and Socioeconomic State and Links of Deltaic Areas Vulnerable to Climate Change: Volta (Ghana), Mahanadi (India) and Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (India and Bangladesh) 2018
The RFK catalytic cycle of the pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae shows species-specific features in prokaryotic FMN synthesis 2018
Antigen-specific primed cytotoxic T cells eliminate tumour cells in vivo and prevent tumour development regardless of the presence of anti-apoptotic mutations conferring drug resistance 2018
Non-Covalent Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes by Phthalocyanines Analyzed by Spatial-Resolved EELS 2018
