
Title Yearsort ascending
Activated human primary NK cells efficiently kill colorectal cancer cells in 3D spheroid cultures irrespectively of the level of PD-L1 expression 2018
Water Sculpts the Distinctive Shapes and Dynamics of the Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Tn Antigens: Implications for Their Molecular Recognition. 2018
Design and Fabrication of the Second-Generation KID-Based Light Detectors of CALDER 2018
Resequencing Vrs1 gene in Spanish barley landraces revealed reversion of six-rowed to two-rowed spike 2018
The reptiles and amphibians from the Late Miocene of Zahleh, Lebanon 2018
La terneza de la carne como un ejemplo de selección asistida por marcadores en bovino de carne 2018
Bioengineering organs for blood detoxification 2018
Engineering Erg10 thiolase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a synthetic toolkit for the production of branched-chain alcohols 2018
Restricting water withdrawals of the thermal power sector: An input-output analysis for the northeast of the United States 2018
Generation of a human iPSC-based model for tauopathies combining three MAPT mutations which displays several phenotypes linked to neurodegeneration 2018
BioSAMs for the EU Member States. Constructing Social Accounting Matrices with a detailed disaggregation of the bio-economy 2018
Producción de hidrógeno a partir de captura de biogás en vertederos 2018
Vertical sheep mobility along the altitudinal gradient through stable isotope analyses in tooth molar bioapatite, meteoric water and pastures: A reference from the Ebro valley to the Central Pyrenees 2018
The evolution of avian intelligence and sensory capabilities: the fossil evidence 2018
Influence of the β parameter of the Haverkamp model on the transient soil water infiltration curve 2018
Percolating Metallic Structures Templated on Laser-deposited Carbon Nanofoams derived from Graphene Oxide: Applications in Humidity Sensing 2018
Long‐term occupancy of nest boxes as a measure of territory quality for Pied Flycatchers 2018
Amphipathic helical peptides hamper protein-protein interactions of the intrinsically disordered chromatin nuclear protein 1 (NUPR1) 2018
Mutations of the mitochondrial carrier translocase channel subunit TIM22 cause early-onset mitochondrial myopathy. 2018
Geoética y la responsabilidad común hacia la existencia de la especie humana sobre el planeta Tierra 2018
