Internal code: 
Publication date: 
December, 2022
Tuesday, 28 February, 2023

Application form:


ARAID has launched an international call for applications to fill up to a maximum of 4 research positions in specific research areas open for this call. The call aims to recruit outstanding candidates with excellent research record and leadership capabilities. 

The call for applications is open to candidates of any nationality that fit the requirements of academic and research background

The final number of researchers to be hired depend on the quality of the proposals and budget availability.

Host Institutions that have a framework agreement with ARAID, may present a a maximum of three applications per Call. If an Institution/center supports more than 3 applications, these will be removed from the application system, and will not be evaluated

The Legal Representative and Scientific Research/Manager of a Host Institution, cannot support candidates (by signing the Expression of Interest form) to work in other Centers/Host Institutions. Each Scientific Research/Manager can only support applicants in one Host Institution. In case of not meeting this requirement, all applications supported by that Research Manager will be removed from the application system, and will not be evaluated. Each candidate can only submit an application to work in one Host Institution. If one applicant applies via more than one Host, all its applications will be removed from the application system and will not be evaluated.

Applications must be submitted electronically via this website before 14.00h (CET) February 28th 2023.

Job Description

A maximum of 4 full-time positions will be offered. These positions may be developed at Public/Private Research Centres in the region of Aragon. ARAID researchers are expected to make substantial contributions to their Scientific Areas, boost significantly existing or help create new ones, and participate actively in the regional science-technology system

The contracts offered are undefined term according local law with periodic performance revisions. There are various salary ranges depending on the researchers' experience and work position. Final salary will be in line with those of professionals with similar responsibilities at the Host Institution and in accordance with the regional legislation on the remuneration of personnel at the service of the Administration of the Autonomous of Aragon and its related entities.

ARAID commits to assist foreign researchers with their visa and work permit procedures. The contracts will be effective only when the selected candidate is legally able to work in Spain..

Candidates Requisites:

Candidates are required to have a minimum of 6 years of postdoctoral experience (at the end of the application submission period); with at least two PostDoc years spent in national or international research centers of recognized prestige, outside of Aragon.

Tenure-Track staff at Host Institutions cannot apply in this call, only those employees that have a work contract at the Host Institution started not before 01/01/2022.

Application Requisites:

Only complete applications within the deadline will be evaluated.

Complete applications consists of on:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Application Form (research areas and project)
  • Reference/Support letter (on the candidate and/or project)
  • Declaration of interest, signed by the Host Institution

Application, Curriculum Vitae and letters are uploaded to the Call system by the Applicant The declaration of interest is to be uploaded by the Scientific Research Manager of the Host Institution. The Declaration of Interest must be signed electronically by the Responsible of Administration, the Legal Representative and Scientific Research Manager at the Host Institution and sent to [email protected], before the call deadline.

Candidates should mention if they have received support from the European Research Council to fund their project and have been recipient of any awards (e.g. the Aragon Investiga Awards. Granted by the Aragon regional Government). Host Centres should mention in their declaration of Interest if the projects will be part of any Complementary Plans in Aragon.

Evaluation Process

ARAID is an Excellence program recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Universities and by the European Commission`s HR Excellence in research award, and its calls obey and comply with the principles of equality and transparency.

Applications will be assessed by an expert peer review evaluation, whose responsibility will be to evaluate the scientific excellence and leadership capacity of candidates and rank them on their merits and potential. The expert evaluators are provided by the Agency of Quality and University Prospective of Aragon (ACPUA) from their lists of experts in the areas of knowledge of the research areas of the applications.

Based on this assessment, and on interviews conducted with the best ranked candidates,ARAID will finally make the job offers, after approval of its Board of Trustees.

The Call final outcome is expected before June 30th 2023 and candidates that accept the job are expected to start their new job within six months before the end of the year 2023 to with a maximum of one year after only in special cases. Please note that Visa and Job Permit procedures should start as soon as possible after accepting the job offer.

Research areas open to applications in this call:

  • Healthy Food and One-Health
    (Includes but it is not limited to: Antimicrobial resistance, pandemic preparedness, agri-
  • Health, Biotechnology and Biomedicine
  • Digital Technologies and Space
    (Includes but is not limited to: Cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, data science)

For information about Research Development and innovation R&D&i agents in the community of Aragon visit the web site: